druid's answer for yesterday's track: "caps." i'm assuming he meant capital cities, and since that is a valid link between "fire in cairo," from the cure, and "washington d.c" from magnetic fields, druid has now earned the title of wizard of rhythmic enchantment.
the link that i actually had in mind was that the titles of both songs are spelled out within the song. here's a tip for aspiring song writers: pick your favorite color, city, or ex-girlfriend and "sing-spell."
my anonymous source in the marines (matt) left me a message yesterday about
"songbird," (info) a new open-source media player that the government is working hard to suppress (not really). i've just now installed it, and i'm pretty much in love. it's already skinned like the stefanka skin i was using for winamp, or the black japan skin for firefox. it's got a way nice feature that lets you grab all of the mp3s off of a webpage at once.
for instance, copy the url for this blog into the address bar and then hit the "subscribe" button at the bottom, and every day songbird will automatically download the tracks i post.
it's still beta, but it looks like it's gonna kick itunes', windows media player's, and even winamp's bloated corporate asses.
track 13